

Medical Check-ups and Vaccination:

Periodic medical check-ups for pregnancy, HIV/STIs, Hepatitis B and vaccinations (Hepatitis B) are provided to the students. Students found at risk are supported with appropriate medical care.

Rules and Regulation:

Every student admitted to the training programs shall follow the rules and regulations of BSNM as existing at present and as may be modified from time to time. 


The candidate admitted for nursing and midwifery courses are required to  regularly wear the uniform as approved by the Ministry of Education and Sports.

Guidance and Counselling:

Students with individual problems are attended to by experts and appropriate guidance and counselling is provided in times of need.

Extra Murals:

Students are offered varied opportunities to develop their talents and leadership skills by participating at local, regional and national levels through membership with Uganda Nurses and Midwives Students Associations. Educational trips, cultural galas, sports and picnics are arranged during their course of study.

Educational Upliftment:

Students are regularly exposed to various workshops and conferences conducted by experts to improve their professional knowledge. Apart from these they take active participation in celebrating national and international commemoration days (Child Days, World Cancer day, Breast feeding week, World AIDS day etc.)

Mentorship Program:

Students are assigned academic mentors to continually support their professional and personal growth, ensuring that they meet their set academic and personal goals.